Lewis's Corner
Lewis the Golden Retriever at LifePlan Financial Inc. is sharing information to help you stay up to date with health insurance and what you need to know when looking for a plan that's right for you. Our team is here to help you with health insurance information, education, and options.

Misconception 1: “It will cost money to get help from a health insurance broker” There isn’t always a fee associated with getting help from a health insurance broker. Small businesses of 4 or fewer people usually are charged for service. However, businesses larger than this should get assistance at no additional cost. A broker is […]

Misconceptions of Working With A Group Health Insurance Broker

January 8, 2025

When should you renew Washington health insurance for your group? Your insurance plan is renewed yearly. We suggest meeting with a broker to discuss your group health coverage 2-3 months before your plan ends. This allows enough time to research plans and evaluate your options for the upcoming year. Don’t wait until the last minute. […]

Renewing Washington Health Insurance For Groups

January 8, 2025

What is the difference between individual and group health insurance? In Washington, there are two main differentiators for these plans. These are who offer the plan and the benefits of the plan. Generally, you’ll find that group plans have better benefits than individual plans. Employers offer group health insurance Contrary to individual insurance where someone […]

The Difference Between Individual & Group Health Insurance

January 8, 2025

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January 8, 2025