Before meeting with a group health insurance broker, we recommend gathering some basic information. It will ensure that your broker has the information necessary to provide you with options that meet the needs of your business. Here is your guide on preparing for a meeting with your health insurance broker.
A census for your company consists of information such as the employee’s name, employee date of birth, date of hire, zip code, and date of birth for any dependents. This is an essential part of the process.
If your business currently has health insurance coverage through another plan, inform your broker. There may be a better plan for your needs. Your broker will discuss your carrier and plan options with you during your consultation.
If you don’t already have coverage, what factors are important to you in a plan? For example, the deductible, monthly premium, type of network, etc.
Your deductible is a dollar amount required to pay before your insurance carrier pays. Deductibles will vary across plans. Some will be higher than others. Is there a deductible you have in mind?
There are additional plans you can offer to your employees. These include vision, dental, life, and disability insurance. Which benefits are of interest to you? Please make a list of them ahead of time for your meeting.
Your group health insurance broker will need your business name, UBI, and business address.
Are you ready to get a quote for group health insurance? LifePlan Financial Inc. has been providing health insurance services in Washington since 2005. We are here to help you find a plan that’s suitable for your business and its needs. Our team is focused on providing group health insurance information, education, and options. To schedule a consultation, please contact LifePlan Financial Inc. here.